Taco Bell Employee Adds Positive Notes to Takeout Orders

Inspirational Taco Quotes via Syracuse.com
via Syracuse.com

Callimus, N.Y. —

Heather O’Donnell ordered a couple of tacos and a cheesy quesadilla from the drive-thru at the Taco Bell in Fairmount, New York Sunday, and found a pleasant surprise along with her meal.

“I got this message that said ‘when you reach the end of your rope tie a knot around it and hang on- Franklin D. Roosevelt,” she said. “It made me stop in my tracks and smile. Knowing someone took time out of their work or life to write this is another example that there are still good people out there.”

Others in the area have also been posting their own messages on social media sites and sharing with the community how good these surprise notes in their meals have made them feel.

“This must be a really special individual….corporate needs to know about this employee so they can show their appreciation,” said one commenter on Facebook. Another commenter said an inspirational Stephen Hawking quote she received with her Taco Bell meal made her day.

The mystery message writer is Kelly Stewart, 27, of Camillus, who just began her role at the fast-food establishment in October.

“I enjoy people,” she said. “I like helping them make each day better. And it’s important for me to set a good example for my six-year-old son,” she said. “Sometimes life can be tough, and I like looking up quotes and writing them out for people.”

Stewart told Syracuse.com she began adding the inspirational quotes to meals a little over a month ago, and is now receiving plenty of positive feedback from customers.

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