WATCH: Tennessee Students Give Gifts to Encourage Bullied Classmate

Azzy Robinson
Azzy Robinson

LA VERGNE, Tenn. — A Tennessee high school student was shocked when his classmates brought him gifts. They had recently discovered he had been bullied and wanted to do something to make him feel special.

Azzy Robinson, 15, suffered from relentless bullying a few years ago. “[It] made me feel like I was worthless and didn’t really mean anything to anyone,” Robinson said in an interview with Inside Edition.

His mother, Traci, said the bullying caused her son to become “reclusive and would sleep all the time.” A switch to La Vergne High School seemed to change the situation for the better.

Azzy’s new classmates were aware of the situation that brought him to La Vergne. They decided they wanted to do something to make Azzy feel special. The students pooled their money together to buy Azzy some gifts.

The moment came for Azzy to receive his gifts. When he opened the first box, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The touching moment has understandably gone viral. Watch it here for yourself:

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