Couple Survives Power Pole Crushing their Vehicle

Tom and Linda Cook's Accident
Tom and Linda Cook's Accident

SEATTLE — A Seattle couple is thankful to have narrowly escaped a horrible accident. Last week, a power pole fell onto their vehicle as they drove. The car was crushed with the passengers still inside.

“If it had hit the glass rather than the roof, it would have just come through,” Tom Cook said in an interview with KOMO-TV in Seattle. “And the firefighters said the same thing, had it hit to the left or the right, it would have come down on one of us.”

Tom and wife Linda were driving in stormy conditions Friday when reportedly a lightning strike toppled several of the power poles. One of those falling poles smashed through the couple’s SUV.

Image result for tom and linda cook
Tom and Linda Cook escaped with only a few cuts and bruises.

The accident happened so quickly that it took the couple a moment to realize what had happened. They could not immediately see each other, as the power pole had split the vehicle and obstructed their view.

“Seeing the photos of the vehicle, if I had seen those photos as a bystander or after the fact and I looked at the photos, I would have said somebody died in the car,” Tom Cook said.

In about an hour, emergency crews had turned off the power and rescued the couple from the crash. The Cooks were taken to a local hospital where they were examined and released the same day. Tom received five stitches, but otherwise both Tom and Linda walked away with only minor bumps and bruises.

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