Immigrant Twin Brothers Graduate Medical School on the Same Weekend

Immigrant Twins
Immigrant Twins

There’s more than one path to graduation — and these twin brothers might know that better than anyone. Octavio and Omar Viramontes graduated from Harvard and UCLA on consecutive days.

The Viramontes family moved to central California from Mexico when the brothers were just ten years old. At first, the family picked grapes and sold produce door to door. This was the humble beginning of their American Dream.

“The first year it was tough. We hated it,” Omar said. “But we started to realize that we were doing this for a specific reason, and it was to help our family, to help each other.”

Their mother prepared them for their future by taking them to the library regularly and instilling in them the value of an education.

“Every single time I entered that library, I was entering a different world by reading a different book,” Octavio said. “It gave me the imagination to be somewhere else.”

Both twins did great in school. They did so well, in fact, that they shared the title of valedictorian. Octavio chose to attend Harvard for his undergraduate education. Omar chose the University of California San Diego. After completing their first degrees, both decided to go to medical school.

The Investment Pays Off

Octavio continued his education at Harvard Medical School. Omar received and accepted a full-ride scholarship to attend medical school at UCLA.  

“When I saw that UCLA had offered me admission, a full-ride scholarship, I was very ecstatic,” Omar said.

“Why would they pick someone from a small town of 5,000 people to go to Harvard Medical School?” Octavio said. “I remember refreshing the page, I guess making sure that you know it was addressed to the right person, and to me.”

Omar added that he uses his parents’ sacrifices as fuel to pursue excellence every day. “Every day I wake up and I think, ‘What can I do today to make myself better, my family better and my community?'”

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