Chick-fil-A Employee Changes Tire for WW2 Vet

Chick-fil-A Changes Vets Tire
Chick-fil-A Changes Vets Tire

Daryl Howard was taking orders when an elderly man came to the counter. He was a man the Chick-fil-A employees knew well.

The man is known to employees as Mr. Lee. Lee is a 96-year-old World War 2 veteran. On that day, Mr. Lee came to the register complaining of a flat tire.

“He was shaking, almost in tears saying he barely made it to the store on three tires because one was bad,” Rudy Somoza, another manager, told CNN.

Mr. Lee was unable to change the flat tire on his own.

“As soon as he finished his sentence, Daryl informed me he needed to help this gentleman right now,” Somoza said. “So, Daryl jumped into action without hesitation.”

Howard was able to change the flat tire in about 15 minutes. He has no idea that Somoza was taking pictures. The two have worked together for about five years.

“His action of kindness was beautiful. Daryl has always been so helpful to anyone in need and deserves this recognition,” Somoza said.

Somoza said told CNN that Mr. Lee returned Friday to express his gratitude.

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